Friday, March 28, 2008

Day 5...

Today was our final day of "content". We discussed our APEST results which asks us to GO somewhere and engage theses things we know of ourselves. APEST isn't designed to give you a specific set of job descriptions, but instead identifies an arena where we feel most at home being agents of influence. To illustrate this, we asked the Trekkers to design the next Vision Trekk! more details to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Encounter Bulgaria's unspoilt natural beauty with our trekking walksand guided car trips in the Mountains of Bulgaria.
Operating from the historic and tourism town of Veliko Turnovo, our experienced and licensed guides will lead you through breathtaking mountains, charmingly historic villages practically untouched for centuries and every point of interest along the way. Bulgaria’s heritage is a rich tapestry of historical interest from the different epochs of her development. We will show you fascinating ancient monasteries and churches, isolated communities still living a traditional peasant lifestyle and even the monolithic monuments of the communist period.